Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Oil Pulling

You want me to do what for 20 minutes?!? 
Yea, that was definitely my first thought when I came across an article on oil pulling. 
Put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and swish for 20, yes 20! Minutes. 
Just the thought of it made my eyes water. 
I decided to hold off simply because the ish sounded disgusting and although many had sworn by it, I convinced myself it couldn't possibly be good for you. 
Months had passed and I kept seeing posts online here and there about it but never really paid it any mind. 
Besides, I have the dreaded mercury fillings in my mouth. Oil pulling can't be good for that. 
Or so I thought. 
I was board one night after putting baby to sleep and decided to do a little more research on it. Browsing countless websites, I came across an overwhelming amount of great testimonials from people who had tried it. 
Not to mention it has been practiced by ayurvedic Shamans. 
I couldn't find anything though saying wheather or not it was safe to do with mercury fillings (oh trust, these things are coming out of my mouth the second I'm done breastfeeding! Another subject for another day). 
It claims to detoxify the body through your mouth. The swishing motion of the oil causes the toxins in your blood stream to stick to the oil, thus removing it from your body. Toxins are in my opinion are the number one cause to illness and disease. So, the more ways of removing them the better. It supposedly removes toxins that a full body detox are not even able to remove. Impressive, right?! I thought so! It also claims to whiten teeth, heal tooth decay and cavities, clear acne and remove allergies. All of which I thought was cool but I was more interested in the toxins part. 
Anyway, once your 20 minutes is up, you have to spit the oil in the trash or toilet. Not the sink because it will eventually clog your drains. 
So, I decided what the heck. I have nothing to lose. 
The next morning right when I woke up, I busted out my bucket of coconut oil (I use that stuff for everything) and dunked my shovel sized tablespoon in. It was cold the following night so my coconut oil was nice and solid. GAG!!!! I put the spoon full of solid oil to my mouth and instantly start gaging. It didn't even make it to my lips. 
I calmed myself and just took a deep breath and did it. OMG it was awful!! The first few seconds until that oil melts is seriously one of the grossest things ever. I thought there wasn't a chance I could do the full 20 minutes. 
Once the oil was melted and I could actually swish, it wasn't bad at all. It's like swishing any other mouth wash or water. You can't feel the oily consistency at all. 
Within the first 3 minutes I had mucus trying to come up from my throat and my nose was running. This is a sign of detox. It happened very fast for me. The hardest part for me was not swallowing the oil. I breastfed so I'm pretty much a raisin at all times, I can not drink enough water. I was so thirsty. 
Surprisingly, the 20 minutes went by with ease. I spit out the oil in the trash and rinsed my mouth with apple cider vinegar. This isn't recommended but I felt it was necessary to kill all the left over bacteria chillin in my mouth. Then I scraped my tongue with a spoon and brushed my teeth like I normally would. 
Right away I noticed my teeth were dramatically whiter. Not the result I was anticipating; it was nice but now how bout them toxins?! 
The first day I had noticeably more energy, which only increased over the following days. 
My teeth got whiter and whiter and my head felt so clear. My memory started increasing (holllllllaaaa, cuz mommy brain got me twisted), my focus was much stronger, I felt more creative, I started losing weight. No, this is not a drug lol seriously this oil pulling stuff is pretty much a miracle. 
That was a month and a half ago and I'm still going strong. I feel an overall wellbeing honestly. Even my tastes buds have changed. 
I have skipped days here and there but when I do I feel like I didn't brush my teeth. I don't feel as though my mouth is clean. I know, I went 27 years of my life never doing it, whats the issue now. Meh... I don;t know all I do know is I'm all for Oil Pulling and recommend it to any and everyone. 
So, go out and get some coconut oil and start swishing! Your body will thank you. 

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