Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sippy Cups with a straw

So, Evonae has suddenly become too much of a big girl for a sippy cup. lol She wants nothing to do with them and is all about drinking from a straw. I went on a search at target for a sippy cup style but with a straw, but everything I was finding was plastic. Although they were BPA free, thats just one of the MANY harmful chemicals in plastic. So, I set out to find something glass. I looked on amazon and there were a few but all the bad reviews they had were pretty bad. I had accepted that Evonae wasn't going to have a sippy sup style with a straw. Bummer.. because all of her friends have them and she always reaches for them. 
Then 2 weeks ago I was in Wholefoods grocery shopping and I of course always look at the baby stuff.
Sitting there was this super cute straw sippy cup so I popped the box open to examine it lol Yes, I am THAT mother. I have to see the goods. 
To my surprise IT WAS GLASS!! on the inside and plastic on the outside to prevent breakage with a silicone straw! 
I was so excited!! AND the price tag said $7.99!!! Sweet Jesus a miracle! 
Excited me, hurries to the checkout. I was so excited I wasn't even done shopping lol 
We get to the register and for the like 8 things I had in my cart my total was $67!! HUH! Say what?! It didn't add up but there was a huge line so I paid and went to my car. I get to my car and see my receipt and that bad mamma jamma was $21.99!! Awe heck no!! I took my happy crack back in there and returned it!! Thats outrageous for a tiny cup!! "I will find it cheaper on Amazon", I thought to myself. 
Yea it was $19 on amazon, plus shipping. 
So.... I took myself right back to stupid Wholefoods and bought the dang cup!! 
Evonae loves it though and so do I! Is it worth $22?!
That still a little hard to swallow for me Lol 
But its a dang good cup so I recommend it to all my fellow mamas that are as strict as I am about the best for our babes.
It comes in green and blue as well for all my pink haters out there. 

Have a fabulous rest of your week!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fevers and Teething

 So, as I mentioned in my last post Evonae got her first tooth and also got her first fever. We almost made it a whole year without a single cold. 
Now I know teething on its own will not cause a fever. However, it does weaken the immune system making it easier to catch something. A few days prior on Sunday we attended a birthday party with lots of kids and babies (I'm guessing that's where nay nay caught the bug). 
That following Wednesday when I put Evonae to bed I noticed she was twitching a lot as she fell asleep. Just like the dream twitch but more frequent. I thought it was a little strange and kept a close eye on her all night. The following morning she was fine. A little cranky though, so I decided to go ahead and give her the homeopathic liquid for teething because she just seemed irritated. Fadi had to get his headshots done that day so I decided to take him and Evonae and I would hang out around the area and wait for him. All morning I was checking her temperature because she felt a little warm but the thermometer said she was ok. As we were leaving I made sure to have the extra thermometer. We headed to Hollywood and she did good in the car until we dropped Fadi off. She threw a fit so I decided to pull over and nurse her in hopes she would fall asleep. When I got her out of her seat she felt hot but again the thermometer said she was fine. I nursed her in the back seat and she fell asleep but the moment I put her in her car seat she started throwing a fit. I couldn't just stay parked for the 2 hours Fadi would be gone. So, I buckled her in and hoped she would just fall asleep. She didn't, she screamed for a good 10 minutes and then finally fell asleep. I finally got to where we were going and I parked and decided to wait for her to wake up. I waited 40 minutes!!! She was OUT! When she finally woke up she just opened her eyes and looked around. Totally not herself. So, I hurried and got out and got her out. She was soaked in sweat, which was a little normal. She's a sweaty sleeper. But this time she was extremely hot!!! I have never felt her little body so warm. I grabbed the thermometer and checked and still.... normal. I knew better though. I knew my baby didn't fell good. She was mostly herself still though. waving at people and smiling. We went into a toy store and she was super excited and wanted to play with everything. 
Just as we were about to go to a different store Fadi had texted that he was done early. He was super close by so I wasn't too worried about nay being alone in the back. 
Once we got there the Fadi asked to take some photos with Evonae. 

(They turned out so cute) 

Still she felt so hot and still no high temp registered. 
As Fadi was taking pics with her I cleaned the thermometer with a baby wipe. It didn't look dirty but it was there and I had a wipe from cleaning Evonae's hands, so I wiped it off. 
Fadi and Nay got loaded up and we head home. I felt her head and she was still burning up so I decide to check her temp again. This time it was 100.9!! I immediately started having a panic attack. THANK GOD I cleaned that dang thermometer!!! She had probably had a fever all day! I immediately called her Drs office and they suggested cold compress and a luke warm bath and baby Motrin or tylenol!!! ARE YOU FOR REAL?! Please tell me you're joking!! I chose this Dr because Dr Gordon is more towards the natural way and his staff keeps telling me Motrin. For the first time I was very disappointed and still am. As soon as we got home I gave her a warm bath but she got chills and started shivering. By this time her fever was up to 101.9! I was losing my marbles. My mommy instincts kicked in over drive and I went and got some homeopathic tabs at Wholefoods. I gave her them as soon as I got home it was almost 7PM by this point. Now, they didn't work right away. She went to bed with a fever between 101.2-101.9 until about 11PM it broke and was back to 98.2. The best part. It stayed gone!!! All without Motrin or Tylenol. 
The next day her fever stayed gone but she DID NOT feel good! Her eyes and nose were watering non stop and she kept sneezing. Teething was rough as well. She was in pain for sure. I continued giving her the Camilia Teething liquid throughout the day and it helped her so much.  
By the following day though she was in tip top shape. Back to her normal self with a little runny nose and her very first tooth had broke through.  
While majority of everyone else resorts to the easy way out. I will find the best way to fix myself and family as naturally as possible. 
These are the homeopathic remedies I used. 

The Belladonna was the fever reducer (I gave her 3 tabs all at once) I only had to use it once. 
The Camilia is what I continue to use for teething irritability. It works wonders as well and apparently it tastes good because Evonae takes it with pleasure Lol 
I also have had the Boltic Amber teething necklace on Evonae since she has been 3 months old. I truly think it is why teething has been such a breeze for us. 

I hope this helps some of you!
Have a fabulous rest of the week!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Baby Shampoo and Lotion

Good evening all you beautiful souls!! Hope you all had an amazing week! I decided to share a product I have discovered and love! 
So, if any of you are like I am. You LOVE the amazing baby smell of Johnson & Johnson baby products. It seriously smells like what you would think a baby would smell like. A bunch of powdery flowers wrapped in angels LOL 
Well, I went on a quest to find a natural product that would smell even remotely close to the big name brands. But, unfortunately almost everything I was finding was either non scented or lavender scented. I don't know about you but I don't care for my baby to smell like lavender. That is a scent for a spa not a baby haha 
Now, mind you I searched for these when Evonae was very first born. I was lead to amazon on my search and came across a brand called Paradise Island Organics. They have a good choice of scents of shampoos so I decided to order a couple and give them a try. 
I was SO pleased! Cleansed really well and although they didn't smell like the typical Johnson baby smell, they did smell really really good. I got Vanilla Baby, Coconut, and Pear. Those lasted me a super long time. Literally 11 months. I still didn't have a really good smelling baby lotion though. I found Shea Moister Calm & Comfort at Target. It smells good and is all natural as well, but again not the scent I wanted. 
As I was running out of the shampoo last week I went on another search. I was at Erewhon and decided to go check out their baby isle. I am so glad I did!!! I found a product by Healthy Times (the same company the makes the baby teething biscuits) called Sleepy Time Baby Shampoo AND lotion! AND it smells exactly like Johnson & Johnson!!! That heavenly fresh baby powder smell.

 Seriously! You MUST get this product if you're like me and want that smell. It also does great at cleansing too. No natural baby shampoos are tearless however, because to be tearless it takes a numbing chemical so babies don't feel the burn. So just be careful when rinsing babies hair. 
I looked on amazon and these products are available there in case you live outside of Los Angeles :) 
Happy Bathing <3 
Have a fabulous weekend!! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

My Pregnancy Journey (Its a long one)

I've been putting this together for you all and it has been rather time consuming along with planning Evonaes birthday party.
I was able to dig into my memory and pull out my pregnancy journey and I am choosing to share it with you <3

Let me start with letting you know that my daughter was in no way planned. I was actually told by a Doctor that I would never be able to have children, due to my (at the time) Hypothyroidism. I was devastated by that news and although I had healed myself of the illness, those stupid (I don't use that word often) words plagued me. I have such an immense love for children and without a doubt wanted some of my own. I still remember like it was yesterday, talking to my mom about how saddened I was that I would never have children. She had faith though and said "Giiiiiiiirl you're a Samento, havin' babies is in our bloooooood" Lol
Later that night while I was meditating and chanting (I am Buddhist for those who didn't know :)) I tried a technique I had learned from one of the Shamans I studied with. I sat and spoke to the energy of my daughter to be, acknowledged her existance and asked her to come to me. Not planning on her coming so quickly lol I just knew I wanted her eventually (Yes, I knew she would be a girl). 
That was in November of 2012 that I did that. 
Throughout December my boobs were SO SORE!!! OMG like non stop. I would get the usual soreness before my period but this was so different. Them mofos were seriously sore for like 3 weeks prior to me finding out about baby. In the back of my mind pregnancy was definite but I still had my doubts. 
I remember one day I was at work; I worked at a nutrition store next to a gym so we always had people come in right after their workouts. This guy walked in and I could smell his sweaty feet! I was gagging it was so strong. It was then I really started to think I was pregnant. It wasn't time for my missed period yet, so I couldn't take a test. 
It was coming close to December 21, 2012 the day the "world was going to end". I made fun then and still do. Even though I knew in my gut we would all be here for Christmas there was a part of me that was kind of freaked out.
I was talking to my mom, or shall I say texting the night of December 20. 
She had told me she had this dream/vision/epiphany. She said that a higher power told her that December 21 was the day I was born for. It would be an incredibly powerful time for me. My life would never be the same, I would be blessed abundantly and gain ultimate happiness. It was my time.
She knew nothing about my possible pregnancy. 
It was December 21 and  I was telling Fadi how bad my boobs were hurting, he said just for piece of mind we should go get a test. I agreed and we decided to go get one. We got it late at night and I had heard it is best to take them first thing in the morning, so I decided to wait until the following morning. 
The next morning we were all still here and our amazing world had not ended ;) 
I was so nervous to take the test. I know I prayed for her but dang! Already???
I laid in bed with Fadi for a while, we were talking about if I should take it or not. Finally, I just made the decision to do it. I went into the bathroom and did the dirty work and put the test face down on the back of the toilet. 
Those 3 minutes were seriously the longest 3 minutes of my life.
I was standing in the bathroom and Fadi was still laying in bed. I told him he had to be the first to look at the test because I was too scared lol 
He got up and came to the bathroom. He grabbed the test leaving it face down. He said "are you ready?" It was like he too already knew it would be a positive. 
He came close to me and turned it over. I didn't look at it. He was so frazzled. He said "2 LINES IS NO RIGHT?! 1 LINE IS YES, RIGHT?!" hahaha he was freaking out. No, boo, 2 lines is positive. I immediately started crying and shaking. That moment is seriously unexplanable. The moment you realize there is a little life inside of you. 
I ran into our room and just cried. Fadi came and hugged me and kept telling me it was a beautiful and good thing and it was ok. I think he thought I was disappointed lol 
Life directly after that was such a blur. I immediately told my mom and brother. Fadis parents are in Syria so he waited a few days to tell them. He was worried of their response. 
My mom was super excited. She is the baby whisper so she couldn't have been more supportive of it all. None of us linked the epiphany my mom had and the prayer I gave to my baby until wayyyyy later. I would say I was almost full term when we brought it up. Everything else that surrounded being pregnant kind of overtook it.
Now, that I think of it all. It's seriously beyond amazing!
Now let's get into the being pregnant part. 
Ok, lets be honest. Once a woman hears she is pregnant the first thought that goes through our minds is; OMG I'm having a baby!! OMG! OMG! I'M HAVING A BABY!!!! A baby has to exit my whoo-haa!!!!! Yes! That legit was one of my first thoughts.
This truth gave me horrible anxiety my entire pregnancy, and its why I am choosing to start out with this. 
I watched countless videos on natural births and spoke to numerous mothers on how their experiences were, hoping for a light at the end of the tunnel. Just maybe someone would make it all better. But of course all of them said it was something like how they would imagine death to be. 98% of them said they planned on going all natural and couldn't hang and ended up getting numbed. AWESOME! Can't wait..... -_- 
Getting an epidural was in no way an option for me. On top of the countless risks, I don't even take Advil so I would probably go into a comma if I got it. 
I spent many nights researching and researching and hey I researched some more on different birthing techniques. That is when I found what ended up being my praise 'em Jesus, saving birth grace? (Is that even a thing? Probably not). But anyway, I stumbled upon Hyponobirthing. As I'm sure you may have gathered by now I am quite the crunchy individual. So, this was totally up my alley and something I was super excited to learn about. 
What hypnobirth is, is pretty much a form of deep self hypnosis, hence the name. For those of you who maybe unfamiliar with hypnosis, its very similar to a very deep meditation. For those of you unfamiliar with meditation, its similar to what you did in math class in High School. Nothing. Got it? Great! Glad we have an understanding.  
I purchased books and even read that classes were offered in hypnobirthing instead of the regular lamaze classes. Now, don't go thinkin' all was jolly fine! I was still terrified about giving birth. 
I searched for classes online and luckily there was one super close to me. By this point however, I was only like 16 weeks. Lol 
I wanted to wait as long as I could before taking the class so everything would stay in my mind when I gave birth. I had pregnancy brains something fierce so I absolutely would've forgotten it all had I gone that early in my pregnancy.
I never had morning sickness or mood swings. I was just a little more sleepy in the first trimester. But seriously my pregnancy was bliss.... For the most part (I will get into that in a few)
I immediately started taking prenatal vitamins (Raw Vitamin Code), Algae Omega (Nordic Naturals) and B12 (Jarrow) along with B Vitamins (Synergy Company).  
I had insurance through my work but it was Kaiser and they are SO not natural medicine friendly. I knew I wanted a midwife. I knew I wanted a natural, no meds, water birth. I also knew Kaiser didn't support any of those things. So, I was waiting for I guess a miracle to happen and I would find the perfect place and be able to afford it. I kept looking into Kaiser and everyone that left reviews had nothing but horrible things to say. That made me even less anxious to make an appointment. 
Soon EVERYTHING changed!
One day I was at work, it was the night shift. Everything was normal and I felt great. I was walking my store making sure everything was tidy and all of a sudden I felt a gush of warmth exit my lady bits. I panicked and ran to the bathroom. I frantically unbuttoned my pants and to my extreme surprise, my pants were drenched in blood!!! OMG! My heart effing SUNK!!! I was panicking, I was crying, I was shaking! I didn't have any cramping, just A LOT of bleeding. I sat down on the toilet and it was seriously just pouring out! If this is TMI you may wanna no longer read my posts. Lol 
I immediately called Fadi but he was at work and couldn't answer, so I texted him. I texted my mom and had her start a power chant chain (pretty much a prayer chain). 
I was sitting on the toilet and I felt something big come out. I almost passed out. I looked and it was a huge piece of tissue. Right then I was certain it was a miscarriage, I was so confused though because I wasn't cramping. Fadi called me and was on his way to take me to the hospital
I cleaned myself best I could and went and told my co worker I had to leave. She was freaking out too. 
Fadi got there and we loaded me up and rushed to the nearest hospital, which was Kaiser Sunset. We parked in the emergency entrance and I could feel myself still gushing blood. Seriously, I have NEVER bled like that. We get into the ER and they are taking their sweet time. I'm standing there and again another huge gush. I go to the bathroom and it just pours out. I tried using toilet paper to make a pad, but it went through it like it wasn't even frickin there! 
The crotch of my pants looked like something from a horror movie. 
I came out of the bathroom and they were waiting for me. 
I went into the ER check in room; where they take your blood pressure and stuff. I bled all over the chair. They gave me a gown and wheeled me back. I HATE hospitals so I was definitely not happy about what was happening. They took some blood work and I finally saw a Doctor. He did a simple ultrasound to see if I lost my little princess. From what he could see she was still there. Hallefrickenlujah!!!! 
I had to wait though and get a more thorough ultrasound to check the heart beat and location of her and to hopefully find out why I was bleeding. 
They wheel me into ultrasound and the on duty ultrasound tech takes over. It was a older woman who was clearly not having a good night. We got into the room and she splats the jelly on my belly and gets to lookin'. 
I look up and there she was! My pumpkin! My little baby bear! Just a kickin and a wigglin like a little fish! Very active and very alive! Strong heartbeat and perfectly placed in my uterus! 
Everything was perfect! The Doctor never told me why I bled (thats hospitals for you) and still to this day I don't know why I did. 
I got to see my baby though and that was reason enough for me.

The ER Doctor urged me to make an appointment with their OBGYN as soon as possible due to the circumstance. So, the following day I looked up the best midwife Kaiser offered and I came upon Susan Minich. From what I read she was very "crunchy" and everyone loved her. I was so relieved to find this because a couple weeks prior I found nothing but negative things.
I hurried and called and made an appointment with her. She is only there certain days of the week because she is so "crunchy" Kaiser limits the days they let her work. Yea, pathetic right?!
Anyway, the day came for my appointment and I had to go to a different area to take a pregnancy test just for their records and to register. That day they tried to have me take the Glucose test. Yea, didn't happen. I read the ingredients and handed it right back to the nurse. It is FULL of artificial flavors and colors and sugars and GMOS! Get that crap away from me!! I don't even eat sugar and you want to give me that?! HA! The nurse tried telling me I HAD to take it and I told her I didn't HAVE to do anything. She continued to tell me the risk I am putting my baby in by not drinking it and I continued to tell her the risk I was putting myself AND my baby in if I did drink that crap! It was seriously a fight but I held my ground. Once I saw Susan she told me about a way of fasting to check your glucose levels that was just as effective ;) what do you know!
I finished up there and went over to see Susan. I was not waiting long at all before the nurse came to get me. Although I had JUST taken a pregnancy test the nurse needed another urine sample. Something I had to do every appointment. I managed to squeeze one out Lol and everything was A-ok
I was sitting in the room and in came Susan. A beautiful blonde woman with a glowing energy and a Buddha necklace!! OMG I LOVE HER ALREADY!!! I thought Lol
She, as the reviews stated, was amazing! Very gentle and caring. And FULLY supported my wants for my pregnancy. She also told me about Hypnobirthing and recommended an amazing instructor whom I ended up using. She was not big on ultrasounds and I only had maybe 4 my entire pregnancy. Each appointment she would measure my belly and listen to the heart beat.
The left is the first ultrasound we got at the ER and the right is from the ultrasound I got to find out the gender.

One thing Susan was concerned about was me not eating meat. She said she would need to closely monitor my iron and protein throughout my pregnancy. I was confident I would be just fine and as my pregnancy went on we monitored it and it was always perfect.
I never let being pregnant be an excuse to binge eat or eat out of the ordinary. I honestly think thats why I only gained 25 lbs my entire pregnancy. Her life was and obviously still is so precious to me, literally everything I put in my body was healthy and pure. I think literally one time I ate a bean and rice burrito from El Pollo Loco and felt so gross afterwards. 
I juiced often. I give that all the credit for my good Iron levels. Lots of organic leafy greens and fruits. I rarely had cravings and when I did they weren't crazy or weird. I would just want watermelon or pineapple or orange juice. I never had that moment of OMG GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!! Lol
I just looked fat for probably the first 7 months then I started to finally look pregnant.
In the first picture on the top left I was 3 months pregnant and the last on the bottom right I was 37 weeks.
I never got any stretch marks and I think its solely because of The Spoiled Mama Tummy Butter. I went through 2 containers applying it twice a day, morning and night. It's pricey but seriously SO worth it! 

I will say the hardest part of my pregnancy and it seriously was hard! Was not having any family near me. OMG its seriously the worst thing ever to have the ones you love be so far away when something as amazing as having a child is happening. My mom was in Texas my entire pregnancy up until about a month before I had Evonae. I had no one to shop with, no one to talk to and get excited about things with. Fadi worked (and still does) ALL the time. So, honestly it was just me. I felt very alone at times. There were days I would get incredibly depressed and cry. I had friends but none of them had children or even wanted children so their compassion for my situation was zero. I actually lost almost all of my friends because of this. You really find out who your friends are when you get pregnant. It was hard but I obviously made it through. My biggest piece of advice is to surround yourself with family! It is so very important! 

I continued to work up until almost my 8th month of pregnancy. I would have stayed longer because I loved what I did but it was just truly exhausting being that pregnant and on your feet all day. 
As soon as I stopped working I went full force with planning for baby. Baby shower, baby nursery, hypnobirthing classes (I will get into the miracle of these once I post my birth story), book reading (highly recommend "Beyond The Sling", "The Happiest Baby on The Block", "Skinny Bitch: Bun in the Oven" and "Ina May's Guild to Childbirth")  documentary watching, looking up baby names, researching Doctors and of course researching vaccines to the max (I chose to not vaccinate Evonae and in a later post I will explain exactly why) and catching up on lots of R&R. 

Baby Shower :) 

Back to the name part. I am constantly asked where her name comes from and how different and unique it is. 
Let me just say it was NOT easy coming up with her name. Lol we went through so many different names but none of them resinated with us. One day I was online looking at french names. Fadi and I both love the french culture and my name is french so, why not? 
I came across Yvonne, Yvette and Yvone. Yvone when I read it sounded like Evonae. I instantly knew that would be her name. I wasn't even sure if it had a meaning at that point because it was just a different way of spelling a name I thought was Evonae but really was not. haha I spent hours literally hours, looking for a meaning when I finally came across a page that had a meaning. It said the meaning was; a chance to live again! OMG I got chills and like instantly started crying. Such a powerful meaning and name. It was so perfect! I now can not find the site it was on anywhere. But in my heart I know the meaning and in my heart I know this is Evonae's chance to live again. 
Her middle name was almost just as difficult. We thought about giving her my middle name Renee. But it flowed a little too well. haha with no luck from our brains of thinking up something clever, I resorted to google. I am part Italian and too love the culture so, I decided to look at that one first. Right away Arabella was brought up and I LOVED it! I confirmed with Fadi and my mom and we all agreed it would be her name. A VERY long name but her name :) 

One thing that I will say is Evonaes nursery was something I was so stressed about and wanted so badly to be perfect. I searched for furniture and accessories for weeks. Only to end up with us getting a roommate and her not having a room at all. At first this devastated me because I had an idea, this magical image in my head, an expectation for myself and what I wanted for her. But due to me no longer working it would just be too much of a financial burden for us not to have a roommate. Like I said, I was not happy about it, but we got the most amazing person ever as a roommate who absolutely adores Evonae and I could not be more grateful she lives here. We are at a point now where we don't have to have her here but we choose to because she is really that amazing. Plus Evonae is a co-sleeper and would have NEVER used her room. haha Everything happens as its supposed to ;) 
I am going to end with this. Seriously mothers to be I can not stress this enough!! PLEASE do not obsess and stress over things. I know its hard as a new mommy. But really! It's a complete waste of energy. Just do your best and what makes you happy and your soul content. What worked for me or someone else may not work for you and thats ok! Its your body, your baby, and your pregnancy!! Make it fabulous :) 


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Baby Yums

Ok, I decided to make this post, because like myself, there are so many mommies out there just tryin to get the low down, or is it down low? Meh... The diggity on whats best for our children. There are so many things advertised as organic and healthy but once you turn over that package and read the ingredients you quickly realize, what the eff is this stuff?! 
I recently had this problem with teething biscuits and snacks. I was at Wholepaycheck (Wholefoods) in the baby isle for a good 20 minutes. Gutting the ingredient lists from every infant teether and snack. I left a very VERY disappointed mama! 
Everything!! Had "organic dried can syrup" or "organic sugar"! Here they go, slappin organic on there. Makin' themselves look like they know whats good. 
Heres the deal ladies and gents... 
Sugar in any form is pretty much one of the worst things on the planet. 
Why you ask? How can it really be THAT bad?! 
Lemme break it down for you. 
Promotes inflammation in the body
Leads to insulin resistance
Leads to weight gain 
Contributed to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 
Is a fertilizer for cancer cells 
Suppresses the immune system immediately after consuming 
Has cocaine like effects on the brain 

Now, this is just a VERY small list of the many reasons why in no way should we be feeding our princes and princesses this crap! 
Organic or not, in any form, sugar is not good for you. 

With all of that said here are a few options I found for Evonae. 

I will also show a few examples of products that seem ok but really, they're not. 

Plum Organics is one of most popular ones that has in my opinion a sad story for list of ingredients. 
Not only do these things contain sugar they are packed full of artificial vitamins. They have processed these snacks so much that they no longer contain their natural vitamins and have to have them re-added at the end of processing. I don't know bout y'all but I would much rather my child have just good 'ole natural vitamins from the source. 

What I have found instead are organic freeze dried fruits. They are packed full of nutrients and they are super soft and most of the time dissolve in your mouth. Perfect for little ones with, like with all things, supervision of course ;) 

                                                                   Yes                                                                       No 

Oh Baby Mum-Mums. Even the original, non flavored biscuits are tainted! Seriously what is the purpose of this?! 
Little Yums... also, are fruit flavored and still gotta throw some sugar in the mix! Whyyyyyyyy??? 
Most chances are, if its for a baby, it has sugar in it. Shoot, who am I kidding if its for anyone it has sugar in it. Its seriously so sad. Lay off the addiction A'meeeerica 

I have found a few good teethers though that are sugar free and have very simple yummy ingredients 
Earths Best makes a maple flavored biscuit. Although it smells good, Evonae isn't a fan. Honestly I'm not either. They break apart in very large pieces and are super hard. With her not yet having any teeth, this is too scary for me. 
If your little one has some teeth, this is a good option. 
My most recent and favorite find, is Cocomo Joes Baby Bar. Very simple pure organic ingredients and are so delicious! They have a firm texture so perfect for little gums but also easily break into small pieces. They are mostly made of coconut so if your little one doesn't like coconut I wouldn't recommend this one. 

                                                              Yes                                                                                        No 

Those two are sadly the only options I have found thus far. I know we could be new age Betty Crockers and make our own but honestly "I ain't got time for that!" Lol seriously I am the worst "housewife" ever! I would rather be exploring the world and creating with my daughter than cooking and cleaning lol I obvi do it, but not a fan that's for sure. 

This is all I have for you all for now. As time progresses and Evonae grows I will post the best things I come across and of course things to avoid. 
Thank you all for reading <3 

Have a fabulous rest of your week! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Oil Pulling

You want me to do what for 20 minutes?!? 
Yea, that was definitely my first thought when I came across an article on oil pulling. 
Put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and swish for 20, yes 20! Minutes. 
Just the thought of it made my eyes water. 
I decided to hold off simply because the ish sounded disgusting and although many had sworn by it, I convinced myself it couldn't possibly be good for you. 
Months had passed and I kept seeing posts online here and there about it but never really paid it any mind. 
Besides, I have the dreaded mercury fillings in my mouth. Oil pulling can't be good for that. 
Or so I thought. 
I was board one night after putting baby to sleep and decided to do a little more research on it. Browsing countless websites, I came across an overwhelming amount of great testimonials from people who had tried it. 
Not to mention it has been practiced by ayurvedic Shamans. 
I couldn't find anything though saying wheather or not it was safe to do with mercury fillings (oh trust, these things are coming out of my mouth the second I'm done breastfeeding! Another subject for another day). 
It claims to detoxify the body through your mouth. The swishing motion of the oil causes the toxins in your blood stream to stick to the oil, thus removing it from your body. Toxins are in my opinion are the number one cause to illness and disease. So, the more ways of removing them the better. It supposedly removes toxins that a full body detox are not even able to remove. Impressive, right?! I thought so! It also claims to whiten teeth, heal tooth decay and cavities, clear acne and remove allergies. All of which I thought was cool but I was more interested in the toxins part. 
Anyway, once your 20 minutes is up, you have to spit the oil in the trash or toilet. Not the sink because it will eventually clog your drains. 
So, I decided what the heck. I have nothing to lose. 
The next morning right when I woke up, I busted out my bucket of coconut oil (I use that stuff for everything) and dunked my shovel sized tablespoon in. It was cold the following night so my coconut oil was nice and solid. GAG!!!! I put the spoon full of solid oil to my mouth and instantly start gaging. It didn't even make it to my lips. 
I calmed myself and just took a deep breath and did it. OMG it was awful!! The first few seconds until that oil melts is seriously one of the grossest things ever. I thought there wasn't a chance I could do the full 20 minutes. 
Once the oil was melted and I could actually swish, it wasn't bad at all. It's like swishing any other mouth wash or water. You can't feel the oily consistency at all. 
Within the first 3 minutes I had mucus trying to come up from my throat and my nose was running. This is a sign of detox. It happened very fast for me. The hardest part for me was not swallowing the oil. I breastfed so I'm pretty much a raisin at all times, I can not drink enough water. I was so thirsty. 
Surprisingly, the 20 minutes went by with ease. I spit out the oil in the trash and rinsed my mouth with apple cider vinegar. This isn't recommended but I felt it was necessary to kill all the left over bacteria chillin in my mouth. Then I scraped my tongue with a spoon and brushed my teeth like I normally would. 
Right away I noticed my teeth were dramatically whiter. Not the result I was anticipating; it was nice but now how bout them toxins?! 
The first day I had noticeably more energy, which only increased over the following days. 
My teeth got whiter and whiter and my head felt so clear. My memory started increasing (holllllllaaaa, cuz mommy brain got me twisted), my focus was much stronger, I felt more creative, I started losing weight. No, this is not a drug lol seriously this oil pulling stuff is pretty much a miracle. 
That was a month and a half ago and I'm still going strong. I feel an overall wellbeing honestly. Even my tastes buds have changed. 
I have skipped days here and there but when I do I feel like I didn't brush my teeth. I don't feel as though my mouth is clean. I know, I went 27 years of my life never doing it, whats the issue now. Meh... I don;t know all I do know is I'm all for Oil Pulling and recommend it to any and everyone. 
So, go out and get some coconut oil and start swishing! Your body will thank you. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Shadows and Lippies and Blushes, Oh My!

Mini Make-up Haul!! 
Who doesn't love make up?! Pretty much EVERYONE! Hello! And those who "don't", don't try to say you're all natural because even you love a fabulous lippie! 
So, as if it wasn't obvious enough, I avoid parabens like the plague! They're pretty much hidden in every beauty product on the market. From Shampoo, to deodorant, to lotion and of course make up. Luckily, people are starting to become aware and conscious about what they are putting on and in their bodies. Resulting in more companies going back to nature (where we should've all been in the dang first place). Anyway, I have tried MANY natural lines of make up and well lets be honest. Majority of them are pretty much terrible. The pigments are always off and don't stay on, foundations are ashy. The list goes on really. 
Tarte is one of my favorite brands. Although its not perfectly "safe" to use, it is definitely better than slathering on some of the big name make up brands full of chemicals. 
Tarte is affordable and fun with a variety of great things to choose from. 
Last week I got all of these beauties and here's my review thus far.  

The Pure Maracuja Oil is nothing less than a miracle! I don't know where they found this stuff but seriously its the business! Leaves my skin so silky smooth. Along with the eye treatment. So amazing. Leaves my under eyes feeling super refreshed. 
The foundation is the best natural foundation I have found thus far. Goes on super smooth and blends really well. I'm not 100% sold on it, but for now it definitely does the job. 
The FLASHES lashes mascara is AHHHMAZING! Oh Emm Gee! Seriously, put a reminder in your phone to go buy this little bad mamma jamma! You'll thank me later when your lash milkshake is bringin all the boys to the yard. 
Now, let's just talk about these lippies. GREAT pigments, but honestly not a big fan. They are all peppermint flavored and incredibly sticky. In a pinch I will use them but they're not my #1 go to. 
The blush goes on wonderfully, however 2 hours of wearing and its almost completely gone. I'm not big on packing on multiple layers of foundation, powder, and a "setter" however if you are, more power to ya sista! It will probably make the blush stay on longer.
Lastly, the eye shadows. I'm pretty impressed with all the colors. With a primer they go on great. Without primer though, you have to layer the colors on for them to show up. Like the blush, 2 hours in and the colors fade. So highly recommend a primer.  

There are a few other natural lines I have come across and will be reviewing them soon. Until then my lovelies! Go out and make yourselves fabulous! 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Vegan Strawberry Cheesecake Milkshake

I'm not going to lie. I MISS cheesecake! Its one dessert I often contemplate cheating on Veganism for. Than I think of the aftermath and quickly have a change of heart! Lol 
Here is a new take on the ever so missed cheesecake and milkshake. 

What you will need 

1 Cup of frozen strawberries 
1/2 of a frozen banana 
1 Cup of almond milk (I used a little less because I wanted a thicker consistency) 
1 Teaspoon vanilla extract 
1/2 Tablespoon Agave (this can be completely omitted if your strawberries are really ripe) 
2 Tablespoons graham cracker crumbs 
2 Tablespoons vegan white chocolate chips (I've only been able to find one brand called King David White ChocoChips) 

Directions - 
Toss everything in the blender and blend until smooth. Thats it! Easy right? :) 

Now if you're trying to be extra fancy and impress some folks you can garnish this beast to look pretty dang tantalizing

Garnish - 
White Chocolate Chips 
Graham Cracker Crumbs 

Put the milkshake in a glass and make sure its oozing out of the top a little bit (I don't know why but this makes you look talented as a mofo and the milkshake looks like the forbidden fruit) take the agave and run it around the rim of the glass so it starts to run down the sides of the glass. grab some of those crumbs and toss it at the agave so it sticks. Sprinkle a few white chocolate chips on top and you got yourself a delicious milkshake. 

Sit back and ENJOY

Fruit Wataaaaah

Summer is upon us and with this recent weather here in Cali something tells me it's going to be a very hot summer.
Drinking our daily amount of water isn't always easy. I find it harder to drink water in the summer simply because there are so many other delicious things to chug down in the summer months. Getting our little ones to drink water is even more difficult. I have always used cucumbers and other fruits in my water as a refresher but never thought to add multiple fresh organic fruits to flavor the drab water taste.
The genius idea came to me while looking at all my fruits thinking about making a fruit salad but also at the same time I was so incredibly thirsty.
I threw this together and its simply delicious!! Baby loved it too which is a HUGE plus!

I used all fresh fruit except the Mangos. I chose frozen to keep the water nice and cold.
Seriously, don't be lazy it takes literally 3 minutes to make and your body will love you. Get'r done ;) 

Try making some the night before and letting it sit in the fridge over night for added flavor. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The Fabulous Hippy finally has a blog! 
The Fabulous Hippy? I know, it's so catchy right?! Has you thinking of a glittery hemp filled granola bar or something, doesn't it?
Great! That's not at all what I was going for haha  
Have you ever been sitting there trying to write something? 
You think of a hundred witty things you can start off with but just second guess yourself so many times you end up with a blank page for the next hour. 
Well, let just say I started this an hour ago. 
Let's start with why you're here.
I am a new mommy, I've been a vegan going on 6 years, gluten free for over 15 years, extremely girlie, earth loving hippy in the beautiful city of Los Angeles. I have studied Nutrition and Naturopathic Medicine and have worked in the cosmetic and beauty industry for a while. I attended FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Marketing) and was a buyer for a shoe and hand bag boutique. Hence the name The Fabulous Hippy.
Although all those things are like sooooo in, in LA. It's more than just a trend for me and a very serious way of life. I am very passionate about health and the well being of others and our planet. 
So, here I am ready to share with all of you, in hopes to give inspiration, to give ideas, to spread joy, share a laugh or two and of course share everything fabulous.