Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fevers and Teething

 So, as I mentioned in my last post Evonae got her first tooth and also got her first fever. We almost made it a whole year without a single cold. 
Now I know teething on its own will not cause a fever. However, it does weaken the immune system making it easier to catch something. A few days prior on Sunday we attended a birthday party with lots of kids and babies (I'm guessing that's where nay nay caught the bug). 
That following Wednesday when I put Evonae to bed I noticed she was twitching a lot as she fell asleep. Just like the dream twitch but more frequent. I thought it was a little strange and kept a close eye on her all night. The following morning she was fine. A little cranky though, so I decided to go ahead and give her the homeopathic liquid for teething because she just seemed irritated. Fadi had to get his headshots done that day so I decided to take him and Evonae and I would hang out around the area and wait for him. All morning I was checking her temperature because she felt a little warm but the thermometer said she was ok. As we were leaving I made sure to have the extra thermometer. We headed to Hollywood and she did good in the car until we dropped Fadi off. She threw a fit so I decided to pull over and nurse her in hopes she would fall asleep. When I got her out of her seat she felt hot but again the thermometer said she was fine. I nursed her in the back seat and she fell asleep but the moment I put her in her car seat she started throwing a fit. I couldn't just stay parked for the 2 hours Fadi would be gone. So, I buckled her in and hoped she would just fall asleep. She didn't, she screamed for a good 10 minutes and then finally fell asleep. I finally got to where we were going and I parked and decided to wait for her to wake up. I waited 40 minutes!!! She was OUT! When she finally woke up she just opened her eyes and looked around. Totally not herself. So, I hurried and got out and got her out. She was soaked in sweat, which was a little normal. She's a sweaty sleeper. But this time she was extremely hot!!! I have never felt her little body so warm. I grabbed the thermometer and checked and still.... normal. I knew better though. I knew my baby didn't fell good. She was mostly herself still though. waving at people and smiling. We went into a toy store and she was super excited and wanted to play with everything. 
Just as we were about to go to a different store Fadi had texted that he was done early. He was super close by so I wasn't too worried about nay being alone in the back. 
Once we got there the Fadi asked to take some photos with Evonae. 

(They turned out so cute) 

Still she felt so hot and still no high temp registered. 
As Fadi was taking pics with her I cleaned the thermometer with a baby wipe. It didn't look dirty but it was there and I had a wipe from cleaning Evonae's hands, so I wiped it off. 
Fadi and Nay got loaded up and we head home. I felt her head and she was still burning up so I decide to check her temp again. This time it was 100.9!! I immediately started having a panic attack. THANK GOD I cleaned that dang thermometer!!! She had probably had a fever all day! I immediately called her Drs office and they suggested cold compress and a luke warm bath and baby Motrin or tylenol!!! ARE YOU FOR REAL?! Please tell me you're joking!! I chose this Dr because Dr Gordon is more towards the natural way and his staff keeps telling me Motrin. For the first time I was very disappointed and still am. As soon as we got home I gave her a warm bath but she got chills and started shivering. By this time her fever was up to 101.9! I was losing my marbles. My mommy instincts kicked in over drive and I went and got some homeopathic tabs at Wholefoods. I gave her them as soon as I got home it was almost 7PM by this point. Now, they didn't work right away. She went to bed with a fever between 101.2-101.9 until about 11PM it broke and was back to 98.2. The best part. It stayed gone!!! All without Motrin or Tylenol. 
The next day her fever stayed gone but she DID NOT feel good! Her eyes and nose were watering non stop and she kept sneezing. Teething was rough as well. She was in pain for sure. I continued giving her the Camilia Teething liquid throughout the day and it helped her so much.  
By the following day though she was in tip top shape. Back to her normal self with a little runny nose and her very first tooth had broke through.  
While majority of everyone else resorts to the easy way out. I will find the best way to fix myself and family as naturally as possible. 
These are the homeopathic remedies I used. 

The Belladonna was the fever reducer (I gave her 3 tabs all at once) I only had to use it once. 
The Camilia is what I continue to use for teething irritability. It works wonders as well and apparently it tastes good because Evonae takes it with pleasure Lol 
I also have had the Boltic Amber teething necklace on Evonae since she has been 3 months old. I truly think it is why teething has been such a breeze for us. 

I hope this helps some of you!
Have a fabulous rest of the week!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Baby Shampoo and Lotion

Good evening all you beautiful souls!! Hope you all had an amazing week! I decided to share a product I have discovered and love! 
So, if any of you are like I am. You LOVE the amazing baby smell of Johnson & Johnson baby products. It seriously smells like what you would think a baby would smell like. A bunch of powdery flowers wrapped in angels LOL 
Well, I went on a quest to find a natural product that would smell even remotely close to the big name brands. But, unfortunately almost everything I was finding was either non scented or lavender scented. I don't know about you but I don't care for my baby to smell like lavender. That is a scent for a spa not a baby haha 
Now, mind you I searched for these when Evonae was very first born. I was lead to amazon on my search and came across a brand called Paradise Island Organics. They have a good choice of scents of shampoos so I decided to order a couple and give them a try. 
I was SO pleased! Cleansed really well and although they didn't smell like the typical Johnson baby smell, they did smell really really good. I got Vanilla Baby, Coconut, and Pear. Those lasted me a super long time. Literally 11 months. I still didn't have a really good smelling baby lotion though. I found Shea Moister Calm & Comfort at Target. It smells good and is all natural as well, but again not the scent I wanted. 
As I was running out of the shampoo last week I went on another search. I was at Erewhon and decided to go check out their baby isle. I am so glad I did!!! I found a product by Healthy Times (the same company the makes the baby teething biscuits) called Sleepy Time Baby Shampoo AND lotion! AND it smells exactly like Johnson & Johnson!!! That heavenly fresh baby powder smell.

 Seriously! You MUST get this product if you're like me and want that smell. It also does great at cleansing too. No natural baby shampoos are tearless however, because to be tearless it takes a numbing chemical so babies don't feel the burn. So just be careful when rinsing babies hair. 
I looked on amazon and these products are available there in case you live outside of Los Angeles :) 
Happy Bathing <3 
Have a fabulous weekend!!